reasons why nigeria should not be divided

Nigeria should be Africa's powerhouse - it is the continent's biggest oil producer and most populous country. If you make Nigeria into two or more different countries, you would have a stronger chance of encouraging people to forget their own identity and start identifying with the part of the country where they are living. I am from the south west of nigeria, born after the nigerian civil war ended, my parents, immediate family did not lose life,. Tribal Marginalization is one of the reasons why there has been no peace amongst our ethnic groups. Read about our approach to external linking. divide, IT IS NOT GODS WILL. The Middle Belt is home to hundreds of groups with different beliefs, and around Jos there are frequent clashes between Hausa-speaking Muslims and Christian members of the Berom community. They have fail in identifying where their primary emerging market opportunities could be, that is why, as the giant of Africa, Nigeria supposed to represent a key emerging market opportunity for other countries in the countinent. Nigeria is doing nothing in its pursuit to securing lives and properties of its citizens. Examples are the railway from Lagos that reached Kano in 1911 in Nigeria, another in Ghana (Gold Coast . Pondering on them has increased my faith and encouraged me to intercede for If the world were divided into 10 countries, what countries would they be? Nigeria should be Africa's powerhouse - it is the continent's biggest oil producer and most populous country. Nigeria Airways was liquidated in 2003 for many reasons, including mismanagement, corruption, and a spate of plane crashes from the 80s. If theres something specific that you want but dont see listed yet, just let us know and we will work with our business owners directly to get them added as soon as possible so everyone can benefit from this service! Let's look at these factors one by one: In modern day Nigeria, we have a shoddy infrastructure. It is one of the problems that has helped hampered the grow of Nigeria's wealth. 3. All Churches will be burnt down and demolished to be replaced with whatever, even football pitches, public toilets, mosques, etc. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Naira still remains in a free fall. Nigeria should divide because a section of the country (the South Easterners or Biafrans) is obstinate about her desire to leave. Download Opera News APP, By Nwaokon0813 (self media writer) | 1 year ago. Another reason why Nigeria is underdeveloped is that Nigeria is focusing all its energy on oil ad the sustenance of its economy, and as a result, had failed to diversify its economy. Here are five reasons the 2023 elections are unique and critical. If we don't embrace peace and live as one, the ripple effect will continue unabated. There is much that we can learn from our history of being one nation. Even as the countrys economy is collapsing, its leaders are yet to recognize the increasing need for resources, necessary for economic growth. Relocate to Canada Today! Clear inequality exists in the way . You cannot imagine life without power generation electricity. There are many good reasons why Nigeria should stay together, not just to preserve her culture, but also for national security reasons. I recommend it first because of . Some might strongly agree, just as some might strongly disagree,. One of the reasons why Nigeria is underdeveloped is that, there is security problem in the country. For peace and unity to reign, for mutual distrust to end, Nigerians should see each other as one, then we will have a lot in common, have a common motivation and ideology and perhaps we can begin to flourish as a people. However, in its response to enquiries made as to why Nigeria is not on the UKVI exemption list, the criteria used for selecting countries and why Nigerians are subjected to the test, the UK. The different groups have so much in common with each other and they share a rich culture that cannot easily be taken away by moving someone to another country and establishing another culture for them. It would have made life easier for everyone since we will speak the same dialect and have a common history and most likely common motivation. 9. Your email address will not be published. Nigeria can't be separated, argues Edo Governor Godwin Obaseki, since people have paid the price to keep the country together.This was stated by Obaseki on Thursday at the launch of the 2022 Armed Forces Remembrance Day emblem in Benin, the Edo capit. If Nigeria divides: 1. Chinua Achebe, Nigeria's preeminent novelist, took a break from fiction in 1983 to write The Trouble with Nigeria. Africa today is like a termitarium with so many tunnels leading to nowhere. The government should not be biased in sharing the wealth of the nation, one ethnic group, in particular, should not be favored against . In Nigeria we see a stark contrast between the mainly Muslim north and the Christian and animist south. //]]> window.__mirage2 = {petok:"sImn1LoMzFT3g3rkT2fwsn2Fujufe6v9_nqNm7Yknbo-3600-0"}; But in 2010, a government amnesty led thousands of fighters to lay down their weapons. I think it will be a pity because we are one of the largest countries in africa. Simple. 1. Virtually, almost all the market sectors in Nigeria lack corresponding investments that can help grow Nigeria economy. The major reason nigeria is still trapped in distress is because of diverse. As a hero today because many in nigeria simply believe the man had a point. I The first reason has to do with culture and heritage. Nigeria is quite a big country with an area of 923,768 km2. At this age Nigeria suppose to supply constant electricity. We have seen many nations split apart and we have only ended up with new conflicts. Nigeria has become part of the global community and they want to share their traditions with the rest of the world. In this article, my focus will be on discussing the reasons why Nigeria is underdeveloped despite abundant human and natural resources. Nigeria has a diverse geography, with climates ranging from arid to humid equatorial. Lack of education: Lack of education is one of the reasons why Nigeria is still underdeveloped. Well, it is because it will affect the economy. As a result of all these ills, many Nigerians (well-meaning And if youre looking for something specific, our search function makes it easy to find exactly what you want. Since Nigerians were colonized by Great Britain, the colonial masters have to invade Nigeria with the culture of England, such as wearing of suit, drinking of tea among other things, and one of such culture left behind was English language. Exploring the Different Army Ranks in Nigeria - A Guide, A Guide to Understanding the Cut-off Mark for LASPOTECH Admissions, Mediatakeout - How To Leverage Celebrity Gossip and News To Increase Brand Awareness, How to Navigate the Unilag Student Portal: A Step-By-Step Guide. Please share this with your friends and family so that they can see the big picture and start to understand why the debate over the division of Nigeria should be ended. 4) Corruption and Inept Leadership. //

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